Move up or down a Gear Swiftly Mini-hydraulic pumps for optimal pressure in switching and coupling in automatic transmissions

Switching with a 40-ton truck with 12% increase? Nothing is easier than this …

In the past, it was expressly physically strenuous and stressful, traffic-wise, to traverse the "Witch's Kitchen" – the Grossglockner High Alpine Road – with a truck: A switching error or a brief interruption in switching – and the car/trailer combination nearly comes to a halt, and the convoy behind it starts a cacophony of honking.
The frequent clutch and shift operations are now of the past: Despite maximum load, the gear changes come off swiftly and automatically – thanks to modern automatic drivetrains and mini-hydraulic pumps from SCHERZINGER which keep the necessary pressure for the gear change ready at all times.

The advantages from SCHERZINGER for transmission actuation

In order to enable gearbox technology to fully demonstrate its advantages, it requires a powerful and reliable pump that can integrate itself into the prespecified installation space. SCHERZINGER has precisely the right power solution for this, and it brings all the essential properties along:

Icon für Kraftstoffeffizienz und niedrige CO2-Emissionen durch Scherzinger Zahnradpumpen.

Fuel efficiency for low CO2 emissions


Geringes Gewicht der Scherzinger Zahnradpumpen als Vorteil.

Low weight

Icon für kleine Pumpen der Scherzinger GmbH.

Compact design

Icon für robuste Technik als Vorteil der Scherzinger Zahnradpumpen.

Robust technology

Icon für Zuverlässigkeit und Langlebigkeit der Scherzinger Pumpen.

Reliability and a long lifespan

Icon für ausdauernde Zahnradpumpen mit einer hohen Lebensdauer.

High output density