In the past, it was expressly physically strenuous and stressful, traffic-wise, to traverse the "Witch's Kitchen" – the Grossglockner High Alpine Road – with a truck: A switching error or a brief interruption in switching – and the car/trailer combination nearly comes to a halt, and the convoy behind it starts a cacophony of honking.
The frequent clutch and shift operations are now of the past: Despite maximum load, the gear changes come off swiftly and automatically – thanks to modern automatic drivetrains and mini-hydraulic pumps from SCHERZINGER which keep the necessary pressure for the gear change ready at all times.
In order to enable gearbox technology to fully demonstrate its advantages, it requires a powerful and reliable pump that can integrate itself into the prespecified installation space. SCHERZINGER has precisely the right power solution for this, and it brings all the essential properties along: